PROJEct data
Lead Beneficiary: Local Government of Mohács
Croatian Beneficiary: Municipality of Čepin
Project title:
Converting the region’s Sokci cultural heritage assets to tourism attractions
Short title: Sokci
Project ID: HUHR/1601/2.1.2/0006
Source: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project Implementation Venues:
- Hungary, 7700 Mohács, Táncsics Mihály street 40.; lot no. 1024.
- Croatia, 31 431 Čepin, Kralja Zvonimira 96.; lot no. 2515.
Project budget: 947 360,68 EUR
EU contribution: 805 256,57 EUR
EU co-financing rate: 85%
Project implementation period: 01.07.2017 – 28.02.2019.
Program website: www.huhr-cbc.eu / www.huhr-cbc.com