This part of the project was not only granted a non-refundable EU funding of EUR 384 625, but in addition, a total of EUR 45 250 domestic co-financing. In order to implement the project, the Town of Mohács provides an additional EUR 22 625 of own resources.
Main objectives of the project are strengthening of cross-border links of the Sokci community, touristic valorisation of the heritage and its promotion. During the project the Sokci community house (Mohács, Táncsics Mihály u. 40.), which is owned by the Town of Mohács, has been reconstructed and converted to tourism purposes, related equipment has been purchased, moreover four cultural events (Tambura Festival – 16 June 2018; Danube Wash – 7 July 2018; Sokci Bean Cooking Festival – 4 August 2018; International Folk Dance Festival – 20 August 2018) have been supported.
The project also includes communication, information and publicity activities, such as development of the existing website of the Sokci association, project information boards, publications, promotional materials (bilingual Sokci Book, trilingual leaflet) and the draft of the trilingual design documentation for interactive elements.