In the framework of the Sokci project, old, slightly ruined residential building at Táncsics Mihály str. 40. will be renovated in Mohács. The courtyard side of the property has preserved many of the features of the traditional Sokci house, therefore, after the renovation, this part of the building will be available to educate visitors on the architectural solutions and furnishings. The street front will be rebuilt, club-like activities will be carried out on its premises and many of the interactive elements of the exhibition will be built here.
The main purpose of the building’s refurbishment is to present the traditions and cultural heritage of Mohács through an exhibition of the interactive elements. Many folk art activities can be seen and tested in the developing exhibition country House. Guests and tourists visiting the Sokci House will be able to interact with the folk dance and music culture, gastronomy, costumes and other folk crafts and customs in an interactive way.
In most cases, the exhibition is viewed in absence of a guided tour, allowing each item to be searched and tested independently, in any order. Although the information board at the entrance can be used to identify a recommended route, it is not necessary to follow it, more so, as the exhibition is not always fully visible, due to the multiple functions of the premises that are occupied by study groups, music rehearsals or other activities at times.
The different elements of the exhibition show the Sokci community from a different perspective. The “Story timeline” focuses on history, shows the most important events that determine the life of the Sokci community during the period from the 16th century to the present. The “Oops-Cup” introduces the specific aspects of the Sokci folk music through orchestra and its vocals. The “Crafts” digital postcards revive those slow-forgotten old professions that constituted to the everyday life of the Sokci people. In the “Barn”, these old crafts can even be tried occasionally by visitors with the help of professional staff. With the help of “Dancing with the Ancestors” the visitor can glimpse into the dances, and if they wish, they can also dance into the virtual space. The “Costume design” space allows you to get to know the beautiful old Sokci clothing elements and designs. It only takes a selfie and an entrepreneurial enthusiast can even wear the clothes on the screen. In the charm room, “Storytellers” read from hanged postcards on the wall from the tales they lived through. Lastly, but in case of this exhibition even first, the ingredients on the “Self-supplying” table allow the visitors to assemble the Sokci beans, even if it is only virtual. In addition, you can discover many traditional food recipes, cooking ingredients and related interesting matters on the table. All in all, the Sokci House will have an exhibition that can be utilized in a versatile manner for almost all ages, where families, groups or individual visitors can spend a pleasant 1-2 hours. The educational, entertaining and interactive nature of the exhibition enables the organization of children’s camps and out-of-school classes.
The foreign visitors arriving to town will not miss the experience as the content will be available in English, German and Croatian through the language pre-selection menu.